What the Hell is a Techno Monk?

What is a techno monk.  Hell, I have no idea, I am making this up as I go.  It was a term that came up in a hallway conversation at work as I began preparing for the largest change in my life since I graduated high school and left for college.  Many of you can think back across the time-frame of your lives and remember milestones.  Maybe a new job, graduating from college, getting married, whatever it is, you know what I am talking about.  Things that would be a line item in your obituary.

I will get around to posting something about my rationale for moving 7 hours north of where I was living at some point but until that happens, I want to explain why I re-branded the blog and what I feel a techno monk is as well as why I think I am one.  For a while I was calling myself a Neo-Luddite technologist.  A Luddite is someone that shuns technology, because I enjoyed the oxymoron.  I am a technology worker who finds balance in simplicity and doing things that hard way.  After attending the Lake Superior Traditional Ways Gathering. I discovered that I was not alone.  There were many more like me, and that was amazing to find a community that felt the same way.

I cannot fix the world and it has taken me a while to figure that out.  I can fix small parts of it but I can’t fix the whole thing.  When I realized that I was essentially powerless to control many things that affect me it was a crushing moment.  I think some people turn to religion at this point to deal with their insignificance, religion is not really for me, well organized religion anyways.  However, many of the monastic values are for me.  Self improvement, hard work, meditation and self exploration are outlets for me to express myself and deal with my insignificance.  I feel that everyone needs to find value and meaning or their mind will be completely crushed.  They turn to drugs, sex, gambling, or something to fill the vacancy that meaning brings to life.  I find meaning in creating, building, hacking, making, and divorcing myself from parts of society I feel are frivolous or wasteful.

As I relocate and start a new life I begin the techno monk stage of my life. There is a list of things I will accomplish as a techno monk.

  1. Upcycle, Make, Build, or Repair before buying new.
  2. Learn more skills, for the above items such as timber framing, construction.
  3. Reduce my impact by simplifying, localizing, and concentrating on what and how I do things.
  4. Learn how to be a telecommuter, and excel.
  5. Share my life with others looking to follow a similar path.
  6. Improve my relationships with my wife, friends, and neighbors.
  7. Become a bad-ass banjo player.
  8. Grow more of my own food.
  9. Raise animals for food and eat them.
  10. Forage more wild food, live off of what others waste or don’t notice.
  11. Quit using tobacco.
  12. Treat my body and fitness as a skill and continually improve it.
  13. Continue eliminating procrastination.
  14. Never be afraid to fail, and fail often.
  15. Continue to push myself out of my comfort zone.  I must not become a hermit.
  16. Learn to like flying in planes.
  17. Release an iPhone app.
  18. Live up to my own expectations for myself.

I am sure I could actually keep going for a while but this is what I could think of off the top of my head.  These are big goals, some of them not very concrete.  I will have to break some of these down into more manageable parts and they will probably become recurring themes here.

I welcome you all and myself, to the era of Techno Monk.  A period of intense reconstruction, techno music, outdoor activity, self exploration, blogging, sharing and growth.


Upcycling a cloth shopping bag into a firewood carrier.

Living with a wood stove is not too bad however, it does require one to carry wood fairly often.  Sure, you can load up one arm with the other but this is uncomfortable for carrying more than a few pieces at a time.   They sell these firewood carriers  for $22 at Lehman’s.  I needed one and I have big sheet of canvas that I was going to use to make one then I had an idea.  Why not make one out of a cloth shopping bag.  I have tons of them, for a while there everyone was giving them away and I have like 20 of them.  So here goes.

Upcycling is an important homesteader, hacker and maker skill.  It is basically taking something that is useless or less useful in its current form and modifying it.  The best part is that it usually does not cost much or anything at all.  In this case I already had the bags and thread.  For a small time investment I have a really nice firewood carrier.

Items Needed:

  • Cloth Shopping Bag

  • Scissors

  • Needle and thread

  • Sharp knife of seam ripper

Here is the bag that I started with.  Given to me as a set of 5 from Google when they visited my work.



I Ripped the seams of the side of the bag.  I chose this bag because of the 4 panel construction.  The piece that the handle is sewn to was one piece and the sides were sewn on to it.  Making it perfect for this project.



Here is the bad with the 4 seams ripped out.  You can see the shape of the bag.  I just trimmed the short sides with a scissors and cut off the material that was covering the seams.



On the panels that I trimmed I folded them under and pinned them for sewing.




Here you can see both sides pinned and ready to sew.




Please ignore my awful sewing job here.  I go for function not looks.  I could have fired up the sewing machine but it was so little sewing, I didn’t feel like setting it up since we moved and took it apart.



Immediately after sewing it, I had to try it out so here is the firewood carrier out at the wood shed waiting to be filled with wood.



The wife is filling the firewood carrier while I cheer her on and take photos.




Here is the wife modeling the finest in Northland Fall Fashions.  The upcycled, shopping bag firewood carrier.




The firewood carrier from another angle.








This carrier is nice because you can set down the logs and the pile does not roll around while you open the door.  It also keeps all the wood shavings, and bark chips inside it so you can just bring it outside and shake it out when you come get more wood.

This project took about 1 hour from start to finish and I am really happy with the outcome.  I think I might try making a few more of them once I get the sewing machine set up.  I do think that the handles are a bit long on this bag so I might trim them or take them off and sew on handles that wrap around the bottom so they are less likely to rip off from the weight of the wood.

Hack, Make, Repair and Upcycle.  Break the cycle of conspicuous consumption.

My essential items for off grid living

I have been living and working, for about 2.5 weeks, in a small off-grid home in the north woods of Wisconsin.  We share the energy system with our property owners.  I would eventually like to do a whole post about that system but that may be a while before I get it done.  So as I learn how to manage and monitor the system, I have found a few things that really make my life much more manageable.  I purchased all of these products, with the exception of my work computer, so I didn’t get paid to write this, basically.  I use this stuff because it works, and works well.

I have some interesting requirements being a telecommuter, I need power, and I need internet or I cannot work.  So beyond food and water, a laptop, power and internet are absolutely required.  I am lucky that work supplies me with one of the most energy efficient laptops on the planet, a MacBook Air. This thing draws .2 amps when it is fully charged and plugged in.  That is about 25% of the load of a compact fluorescent light.  I do not use an external monitor but I do use a magic trackpad, and a laptop stand, that puts the laptop up at the correct height.


We do not have running water in the house so we fill 5 gallon jugs for drinking water.  The greatest improvement for these jugs are the Dolphin Water Pump.  With a few pumps you can fill up a tea kettle, water bottle, drinking glass or a pan for cooking.  There is no flipping the jug over, or any funny business.  This thing fits on glass or plastic jugs and it just compresses when you screw down the ring on the top.  Very easy to use and makes water management very easy.




Without an abundance of grid power, we conserve power and that means not having lights on when you don’t really need them.  This is where the headlamps come in.  The ones that we use have 7 settings.  White or Red LED’s and bright or not bright.  They are amazing for just about anything including reading, cooking, late night bathroom breaks.  My only gripe about this model is that you have to cycle through all of the settings to turn it back off.  So if you are using the red LED’s, you really need to put it in your pocket to cycle through to shut if off or you will blind yourself.



Continuing on the topic of energy savings.  We have gone through a period of cloudy and still conditions.  That means that power is at a real premium.  So that means we need some alternative forms of light.  Head lamps work ok but for cooking and things it is really nice to have a wider area of light.  The property owners here have installed a propane gas light in the house.  I picked up a new mantle for it the other day and we have used it a bunch since.  It burns one pound of propane for each 11 hours of light.  And it is really bright on full power.



Wood heat is amazing and a lot of work.  I don’t really mind managing the wood stove, but I have not gone through a whole winter yet.  It gives off a nice even heat and I always have hot water for coffee, tea, dishes, bathing.  I also like cooking on it.  It has way more BTU than a gas stove.  I am thinking that once we get our own place, we will want a summer kitchen outside to cook without heating up the house.





Since I have moved up here, two things are always on my belt.  A mini LED flashlight and my Leatherman Wave multi-tool.  They are both extremely useful and I did not realize how often I would use either of them until I started wearing them around full time.  These have a solid reputation and are backed up by a great warranty.  They work and last.







Living in the country means dealing with cluster flies.  Spring and summer these bastards get in the house and they go crazy.  Hundreds of them invade homes at these times of year.  There is not much you can do, and they don’t lay eggs in your food or anything but they are very annoying.  Putting a few strips of fly paper near windows or lights takes care of them pretty quick.  It is amazing when you get 200 flies on a piece of paper they can actually move it around.  They also sound like a model airplane engine.  Totally creepy.



I am sure that I will find some more products as I continue to live here but for a small amount of money these items really make living much more enjoyable and comfortable.

– TM


Paradigm Shift

The last thing I expected to have happen, after moving here, was to find a place that I really liked in less than 2 weeks.  I was browsing the real estate listings.  I do that fairly often when I have 30 minutes to kill.   I noticed an 800 sq foot cabin for sale on 18 acres. We were going to wait until spring to purchase but this place came along and I started to dream of the possibilities of all the building projects and things I would do to make it my own.

I have some solid requirements for the property we purchase.  It must have access to internet, because I am a telecommuter.  I would like it to have power or access to power and to be in the general area that we are living in now. It must be vacant land, or a small building and hace room to build a new house on.  Not be a total dump, be mostly wooded, and that it should have the ability to add a well for water.

In the process of checking this place out I called and talked to a well drilling guy and he looked up existing wells in the area and found 2 in the nearby area.  One at 380 feet the other at 90.  Well casing was quoted at $48 a foot, so for you non-math people that is a difference in cost of about $20,000.  It is a huge cost difference.  In a worst case scenario, the well would end up costing about %50 of theTOTALcost of the property.  I was very disappointed.  Everything else was just about perfect.  Location, topography, access to internet, power, and a building that is not just habitable but actually quite nice.

It would be an exaggeration to say I was crushed but I did a lot of legwork on this property, calling banks, telecom company, zoning inspector, well guy and it sucked to think that work was for naught.  I realize that I would rather do the work and educate myself and find out before buying it that something was askew, than be stuck with a property that has a flaw.

So here it is.  After talking with my wife and the property owners where we are currently living.  I realized I don’t really need a well immediately.  Millions of people live without running water, many of them in the United States.  I mean, we were not going to plumb this cabin anyways, so what is the big deal if we don’t have a well.  This represents a massive shift in what I deem to be essential for living.  The place we are renting now, does not have running water inside but we have a well.  We rarely use the well, we use a composting toilet, wash and bathe with rainwater and fill up 5 gallon jugs at one of the artesian wells in town.  It is a bit more work but it is not insane by any means.

Why this place works.  It has power on the property already.  It has an existing structure making the loan a mortgage and not a loan for land.  I have found out that this totally changes the process.  Down payments are less, and more banks are willing to talk to you.  You see land is just land, banks hate selling foreclosed land more than they hate selling foreclosed properties.  There is just too much of it on the market.  It is .2 miles from a major highway making it easy for the wife to drive to work, even with a massive snowfall.  The existing building with power allows us to live on site and plan the big house.  The existing building is well constructed on a concrete slab allowing us to use it as a guest lodging or workshop when we complete the big house.  The property is very nicely wooded, and just down the road is about 5,000 acres of county land that borders a national forest.  The property has plenty of southern exposure making a natural building very possible as well as renewable energy should we decide to go that route.

This process has been very educational, and self reflective.  It is difficult to evaluate what we really want and need.  I think I will learn a lot more about myself as I continue to explore myself, the area, and build my little homestead.  Hang on folks, this is going to be a very interesting ride.  I can’t wait to start to get going on this project, or a different one if that is how it works out.


New Boots, and an Amazing shoe store.

This past weekend the wife and I had to do some serious running around.  That entailed a pickup truck full of wood, new boots, the laundromat, groceries, A&W, Walgreen’s, checking out some property for sale and some other places that I am probably forgetting.

There are a few take-a-ways from this trip.  Old fashioned shoe stores are awesome! Wood is heavy, running errands when you live 1 hour from town, is serious business.  It is a full days work.  We left the house at 9am and returned about 2 pm.  I guess that is not a full day but it was a long one.

On to the shoes.  I have been wearing Red-Wing Boots for at least the last 10 years.  I loved them, very comfortable and they hold up well.  However, they are shipping more and more production to China.  I don’t mind paying for USA quality footwear.  In passing conversation with my neighbor, Thorogood Shoes come up.  I store that away in my brain to look into when we arrive at Bear Shoe Works in Superior.

Most awesome shoe store on the planet.

The guy who helped me out instantly recognized my boots and handed me the exact same pair.  I told him I was interested in trying on the the Thorogood’s and he then gave me the exact comparable pair to the ones I was wearing.  They were $40 cheaper and he goes on to tell me they are actually made in WI.  How about that.  I was sold.  I wore them out of the store.  That is not all, they are going to resole my old boots in about a week because they actually do that in the store.  How awesome is that.  Not to mention they gave us both free T-Shirts to celebrate their 100th year anniversary.

There is nothing I enjoy more than someone who takes pride in what they do and are good at it.  I don’t care if that person is cleaning floors, or investing millions of dollars in the stock market.  Doing your job to the best of your ability, and being good at it is a skill that is sorely lacking in many places today. Besides they have a stuffed bear in the store. By the way I could have gotten these boots online for $20 cheaper but, I like the service and the fact that they will fix them.  Yea, they repair them instead of making you buy a whole new pair.  This place is a gem.

Shoe Bear

Indian Summer Sunset Photo Walk

It was an absolutely wonderful afternoon.  I took the dog for a walk in a short sleeve shirt.  We walked our normal afternoon route of about 1.5 miles.  When I got home I sat on the porch watching a Bluejay come and steal pieces of dog food and fly up into the tree and eat them.  That gave me the idea to snap a few photos.  By the time I got my camera he had flown off so I stalked around the yard taking photos.

Greenhouse Repair Stage 1

I helped out a bit doing some greenhouse repair around the homestead this weekend.  It was a nice experience.  I am really looking to get some more experience with construction related skills as I look forward to building my own place.  Helping out around here is a great way of doing that.  Stuff gets done that needs to get done and I walk away with a little bit more experience building things.

The bathroom basement of the house we just sold was the largest project I have ever tackled and that really stretched my comfort level.  I am hoping to continue to do that as I begin to get settled in here.

Greenhouse with old roof off.

Here is the greenhouse building with the roof off and the new 2×4 pine purlins installed.  The old ones were 2×2 cedar and not nearly as strong as the new ones we installed.

Property owner and jobsite foreman keeping everyone in line

The Polycarbonate and battens going up on the new purlins.

The old panels went back up, with a little bit of acrobatics.  The seams are covered with 1x 4 cedar battens.  The battens have been sealed using an interesting product called butyl tape.  It is sort of a caulk tape.  It comes on a roll and you lay it out then remove the tape from the other side.  Similar to two sided foam tape.

Hard Frost Fall 2012

Clancy is barely visible in the condensing exhaust vapor as he warms up the truck on the first frosty morning of Fall 2012.

First hard frost on the wild flowers, fall 2012

First hard frost on the wild flowers, fall 2012

Before work, I looked outside and saw the ground and plants covered with a thick coating of frost.  I grabbed my camera and snapped these couple photos.  Despite feeling a bit chilly, it was almost a welcome relief after the heat of this summer.

The move part one – Getting the Truck

About 2 weeks ago, I started looking around for a truck to move our stuff from Milwaukee, WI to Port Wing, WI, a roughly 400 mile move.  Having had good experiences in the past using Penske and bad ones with u-haul, I started asking around and looking at websites to get price comparisons.  Everyone I talked to was saying that Penske has the best trucks and smoothest process, I was willing to take a certain amount of suggestion here because I have not rented a moving truck since my previous move 9 years ago.

I filled out a form for a quote on the Penske website and got a fairly reasonable quote.  They were a bit more than u-haul but the pick-up and drop-off locations were more favorable.  I did not complete the transaction that day figuring I would see if I could find any discounts online.

In the meantime, since we are selling our house, I needed to get some renters insurance to cover my stuff in storage.  While I was on the phone for 30 min with a USAA rep, that was a great 30 minutes by the way, she and I discussed what my coverages were for driving a moving truck.  Auto insurance specifically does not cover the cost of replacing a moving truck if I wreck it, but it does cover my liability while driving it.  Good to know, that I would need some supplemental coverage for the cost of the moving truck, I don’t have an extra $60K laying around so the $50 to cover the truck was a simple choice.

The next day I got a call from a Penske sales rep, that was why they asked for the email address and phone number on the quote form, I surmise.  We started talking about my needs and I asked about price.  The rep started asking me if I was a AAA member, and a bunch of other things till he got to student, which I am so that plus starting the inquiry on the web landed me a 20% discount.  Which I thought was pretty darn good.  I would be getting a 22ft truck with a tow dolly to tow the wife’s car, unlimited mileage, three days of travel, and two insurance policies, one to cover the truck and the car while I was towing it.  Really, it was all less than $600, totally reasonable for a 400 mile move.  One bad part is that I would not be able to drop the truck off on sunday as I hoped because all towing rigs have to be dropped off when they are open.  Not a huge problem just an extra two hours of driving.

About a week before the move, I started getting confirmation emails from Penske stating that my truck would be ready and everything was set.  I arranged a great group of friends by calling in every favor I could muster and figured I had a great crew assembled to make the move as easy as possible for them.  I had the pool table crated, and had boxed and packed just about everything I could.  I carried as much as I could to the first floor and garage that I could manage.  Everything was looking like it was going to be great, I picked up burgers to feed people from the butcher shop, things were packed, the house was ready to close.  I thought I had everything under control, until the day of the move…

About 8:30 am we got up and got ready to get the truck.  Skipping breakfast, and leaving my cell phone at home, will prove to make this story much more interesting.  I figured that the quick 10 mile trip to get the truck would take less than 30 minutes which proved to be my largest miscalculation of the entire move.  As we approached the Penske compound, yea it is that big, huge, with about 400 entrance points, we drove around a bit until we finally found the office and were greeted by a college aged kid, who looked like he would rather have stayed in bed on a saturday morning than hand out rental trucks.

They processed my drivers license and gave me a bunch of papers to sign as a big huge mountain of a man pulled a truck around.  It had a car trailer hooked up to it, when we had booked a dolly.  I figured this was no big deal, other than it would add a couple hundred pounds to the load and cost me more in fuel.  As we waited they were obviously messing around with something and then another guy came out, obviously a technician, from his blue shop cloths and  he started crawling around behind the truck messing with the trailer connector.   At this point the kid says that they are having trouble with the trailer lights and the service manager is working on it. About 10 minutes later they come and get us, and the service tech says that he had to clip the wires off the plug because it isn’t working right and he made a pigtail for it and walks me through how to unhook the trailer.

We go back inside and the kid takes us back out for a walk around to check out the truck.  He goes to start it and nothing happens but a loud alarm is going off.  Here comes the service manager again and that guy gets in and starts it right up.  I make some wisecrack about the damn kids not knowing anything about trucks, the service manager laughs and heads back to the shop.  The kid comes back and tries to start the truck again and nothing, I tell him that the service manager said it was not in park all the way and he curses about Big Mike, the guy who brought it around.  About this time Big Mike, comes back around and climbs into the truck and says the truck is displaying an error code, and they ask us to hang out in the drivers lounge.  We wait, I head off use the restroom, they have one of those rocket toilets there that could easily flush a christmas ham, I didn’t have any hams to flush so i headed back to wait.

The kid finally comes to get us about 10 am, and says the truck has “major electrical issues” and they don’t feel comfortable sending us in it.  Yea that is a pretty good idea.  So they give us a couple options.  Wait 2.5 hours for them to finish preventative maintenance on another truck that might or might not pass, or drive 30 min over to the north side and get a different truck and then drive another 6 miles away to get a trailer.  He tells me that they have a dolly at this location, which I tell him is what I wanted in the first place. At this point, my rental has somehow morphed into a 26ft truck, I am unsure how that happened but the extra space might be nice, despite the fuel costs. I choose to head to the north side.  Penske gives me a $150 discount for my troubles.

I am getting pretty pissed at this point, considering I have to get to the North side and back, an hours worth of driving on a good day, luckily it is saturday morning so traffic is light.  I pretty much speed the whole way over to 1900 W Silver Spring to a Mayfair Rent-a-car.  While pulling into the lot I have to contend with some jackass driving like a fool in a lincoln navigator in the lot.  They were driving so badly they had no place behind the wheel of any motor vehicle.  I downshift and race past them and park in the middle of the lot.

Matt, Branch Manager of Mayfair Rent-a-Car.

I head in and meet Matt, an attractive 30 something, branch manager of a rental car lot.  Strangely enough the office smells like shit, literally, it smells like Matt was out drinking all night and hit the taco bell at 3am on his way home from the bar.  He looks to be in pretty good shape, so I am hoping, he is on his game despite the path of destruction he laid in the back room.  He recognises me and greets me with a chipper, “Welcome Mr. Norton” and says ,”He just walked in, yes, yellow hat” into the phone.  An aside here, my hat is orange, blaze orange.  Matt’s style of dress leads me to believe that he should know his colors better, he has impeccable fashion sense.

Remember the jackass in the lot, it is a little old lady who comes in to ask Matt about how to use the CD player.  He tells her she has to hit the open button.  Working in tech support, I can feel his frustration.  We do some more paperwork and make small talk.  At this point I ask him if we are OK so my wife can get home to greet the people that should be arriving in less than 30 min to help me load the truck I still don’t have yet.  He says, no problems.  The wife leaves.  I head out with Matt, after he finds the keys, and he is going to hook up the trailer for me.  I notice the truck is positioned poorly for trying to turn around with a trailer on it, so I ask for the keys to back it up a bit before he puts the dolly on.  I unlock the truck, hop in, turn the key and let the glow plugs warm up, and the dash lights start to flicker.  I turn the key against all hope and click, nothing.

I inform Matt of this and he exclaims, “I just parked it there yesterday.”  I am pretty frustrated at this point so we head back in and he calls Penske dispatch, they are sending a tech over, who should be here in 10-15 min.  I ask to use the phone to call the wife, because I left my phone at home, remember, and I get her voicemail, I leave a message with the great news.  I still have hope that the tech will jump the truck and I will only be 15 minutes late for the 11am deadline to start loading.

About 15 minutes later Mr. Arthur Wilson comes in to rent a car, while his is in the shop.  I could give you his phone number too, insurance provider, and home phone but I will respect his privacy more than Matt, Branch Manager of Mayfair Rent-a-Car did, as he trumpeted it out at level 11 volume for Mr. Wilson’s and my hearing pleasure.  As he chats with Mr. Arthur Wilson, I learn that the toilet overflowed this morning, explaining the smell, in the office, but leaving more interesting questions about Matt’s epic movement being the cause of the overflow or just collateral damage.  I don’t learn any more about the cause of the lavatory expulsion, much to my dismay.

With Mr. Wilson gone,  Matt gets up and goes to the back room, and it sounds like he is doing some dishes back there.  Maybe he was cleaning up ground zero, but he returns shortly and picks up the phone.  He makes a call, to the jackass, and spends about 5 minutes trying to walk the lady through using the CD player and explaining all the features of satellite radio to her.  Feels alot like my job.  I feel bad for Matt.

Matt calls dispatch again and learns the technician, should be here any minute.  At this point, it is about 11:15.  Five minutes later the tech shows up and I head out to greet him.  He takes the keys and confirms that the truck needs a jump and goes about his business preparing to do so as we chat.  I look under the truck by coincidence see a bunch of bolts laying there.  I look up to see a portion of the exhaust pipe missing, and relay this information to the tech.  He laughs and says, “This truck isn’t going anywhere.”  At this point I realize that someone has stolen the catalytic convertor.  He tells me this happens all the time.  More conferring between him and Matt reveals this is a common occurrence at this location.  Matt even says that he specifically parked the truck in the hard to back out spot so it is more visible from the street.  I guess criminals with portable impact wrenches don’t take long enough to remove a catalytic converter to care where the truck is parked.

The Tech gets on his cell phone and locates me another truck about 35 minutes away.  I tell him I have no ride so he offers to take me over there and grabs the tow dolly and hooks it up to his truck because they don’t have one over there.  I run in and call the wife and let her know the amazing news.  I tell her I hope to be there by noon.

My ride over with the tech turns out to be one of the more pleasurable parts of my journey.  I am not sure why I relate to mechanics, laborers, or anyone who earns a living with their hands so well.  Perhaps with this guy it was the fact that he vacations where I am moving to.  I never got his name, but I really wish I had.  He went out of his way to help me out.  He could have told me tough shit and gone back to his job, but he drove me all the way across town and made this happen.  Well, we chatted about hunting and it turns out he used to own a bow shop and is really into archery and hunting.  Needless to say we hit it off.  I learned all sorts of interesting info, about catalytic converter thefts and how they cost $2200 a piece whenever this happens.  I am not sure how much they get at the scrapyard but I am sure it isn’t even half of that.  He was telling me about a bus company on the north side that got hit and had them stolen off of 40 trucks.  Talk about a bad day, coming into that mess.

We finally roll into another Mayfair Rent-a-Car and am “warmly” greeted by Angie, a petite asian woman, who does not look very happy to see me.  I make a quip about this being the third truck today and I really need to get on the road.  She tells me her day was going fine until I messed it up.  Woah, great service Penske affiliates!  Once she took an attitude I was on her, giving her the business about if the truck would start and she fired back that she had just moved it.  Of course my paperwork is all messed up in the computer so she has to call it in.

At this point a customer comes in, that knows “Ang” by first name.  He is driving a jacked up 4×4 truck with flames on the hood.  Not a crappy 2 color flame job.  “Real FIRE!” This was probably a $3000 paint job.  Why does someone like that need to rent a car, and with such frequency that he knows the sales lady by first name.  I never did get that info but he seemed sympathetic to my plight and listened intently to my story of woe and dismay.  He seemed particularly interested in the catalytic converter part of it.  Perhaps how he funded his ride?

The paint looked like this.

I signed my 3rd set of paperwork, the Tech hooked up the trailer as we headed out for a my 3rd walk around.  I pointed out the damage as “Ang” seemed annoyed to have to write anything down. I later looked and she only wrote down 1 of the 5 areas I had pointed out.  For you future truck renters, pay close attention to this.  You are the one holding the bag if they don’t write it down.  Double check their often careless, work.

She handed me the keys and I got in the truck.  I asked if she needed me to come back in, and she laughed and said no, you can go now, dismissively.  It was now 12:15 but I finally had a truck, and it started and ran.  I started the truck and headed out of the lot, realizing at this point, I had not been given any instructions on operating this truck at all.  I was so excited to get one that I had completely overlooked how to operate it.  Having driven fire-trucks and other moving equipment before I gave it my best but this truck was huge, and totally gutless.  I managed to weave my way through the construction and onto the freeway and made it home without damaging it or running anyone off the road at about 12:30pm.  A full hour and half later than I should have been.

I pulled to the side of the street, dropped the trailer, backed the truck into the driveway, blocking traffic and feeling glad that I would no longer need to back up a truck on this busy street again.  At this point I noticed all of the people there, and all of my stuff in the lawn.  They had moved everything to the yard while waiting for me and were now hanging around, putting a dent in two 30 packs of PBR the wife picked up to keep them busy.  I ran back said hi and made my way to the PBR, took out my leatherman and poked a hole in the side of the can.  I popped the top and chugged that cold, delicious macro brew.  We loaded the truck, drank, and cooked some burgers.  I was so glad that people showed up.  Loading took less than an hour, as it should have.